Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On a Wedenesday ...

After over six hellish weeks working towards project deadlines,I finally have some breathing space and blogging time!

This is ofcourse short-lived as I begin my final projects for the year now.However,I did have time to clean up and re-arrange my desk over the weekend to (hopefully!) keep me inspired :)
So,just a couple of photos of my desk this wednesday as I begin browsing real living cover to cover for inspiraiton :)

Also on the wall my To-do panel that will fill up with millions of to-dop lists over the next few weeks!!!!
My favorite part, is my holiday countdown calender that I have pointedly stuck on my desk to remind me that in two and a half months I will be gone on a much needed break to Incredible India!
Also loving the frames that I picked up at an op-shop for a bargain 50cents each;)They are Ikea ones(at an EVEN CHEAPER PRICE!!!!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

two posts in a span of 5 minutes!

I stumbled across this design that I did about a year ago,intended to be printed as of my favorites..
Please do leave a comment if your checking this out right now:)I love reading comments even if its just a hello:)


I've been liking birds offlate...not REAL birds..oh!no..can't stand those...but I like to draw them and paint them,I love all the little marks and details on their bodies..

So here's a photoshop version of a birdie that I first hand drew and then coloured in photoshop..I'm very pleased with the result,Im doing more of them and they will finally make a pattern design to be digitally printed...exciting...!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Wow..its been aaages since I've written about my design-y ramblings.And NO-not that I haven't been doing anything arty,but because I've been doing tooooooooooooooo many things!
From,textile patterns,to funky jewellery,to part-time working,to painting in gouache,to getting blurry eyed working on photoshop - you name it I've done it!!!

In the mean time,it was a pleasant surprise to find a new follower to my blog..hehehee(thrilled).
Thanks Kim from Udessi(who ofcourse is on my blogs-to-read list!).I feel all important when some famous design folk notice my blog,and also a tad guilty that I've been neglecting it:[

SO,since I have NO pictures of my work-in-progress yeat,here's something I did a while ago..might come in handy soon.
Hope you like :)

copyright 2009 tanya dsouza

Sunday, March 8, 2009


As you can see,blogger has been playing up whenever I've tried to post in the past couple of weeks,hence my huge delay in rambling on about my life's happenings(not that anyone really cares or reads!sigh!)
However,this blog is still a wonderful outlet for my creative processes and I love putting up my work as it gives me a rare opportunity to look at it from another perspective and not always a critical one:)
Better late than never,I've made use of the yarn I mentioned last post,and slowly but surely a SCARF has started to emerge:)yay!
I din't realise how out of touch I was with my knitting,hence its taking a bit of experimentation before I can present the masterpiece..
That said,the learning and making mistakes is as wonderful as a finished pieces,so here's some creative process shots..Enjoy!
Please do leave a comment if you even flick through my blog,I loooove reading your words and it makes my blog feel REAL:)thanks:)

ta..da..nearly there...

plain panel for the scarf

showing off the pattern:)


set up and ready to go

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Ever since I scored a brand new knitting machine for a bargain at a local market,I've only used it for school projects(sigh!) and I've always wanted to make some nice scarves for my self,experiment with colours,techniques and all those wonderful things:)...

Anyway,I finally went down to YARN BARN and spent a good half hour falling in love with some fabulous wool/mercerised cotton blends.I ended up buying 600 grams of various colours and am now doing a lil'bit of research before I start knitting up some winter woollies:)

Will take picutures of my yarn collection in daylight tomorrow,but for now here is a hurried little illustration(as it is blogging RULE not to post without pictures!)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Seaside finds

I'm a bit delayed in posting this,but oh well,better late than never:) I got back from a week well spent at a friends beach house in rye..being near the sea was so claming and relaxing that part of my just wanted to keep floating away on those waves......

I also visited Sorrento when I was there and for those of you carfty-designy folk who live in Melbourne and have never visisted,YOU ARE MISSING OUT BIG TIME! There were the most beautiful homewares and interior deco shops with the most stunning displays and products.

I felt like I was in Design-Heaven...fresh seaside themes,rustic-earthy feel of design and deco. SIMPLY AWESOME....

Here is a little montage of my photographic memories:)ENjoy!

Monday, January 26, 2009

fun with felt!

I've always loved felt!!!

Making it is fun but also cutting into ready-made felt can also be fun..I've seen lots of laser cut felt shapes around the place over last year and have always wanted to do some my way...:)
I did with a few brooches that I made a while ago...and today sitting in front of the tele watching HOUSE, I gave it another go...
These ones are for brooches as well,and I'm very happy with how they look:)
Hope you like!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Random Things sure has been a while since I last posted my design-ish happenings:)
I hope all you peeps out there had a good holiday and are now enjoying Melbourne's strange yet delightful summer weather!
I have also been indulging in a long holiday so nothing much been happening.... However I did stick a few inspirational bits and pieces up on my board and have been flicking through some lovely books so thought I'll share:)